Blog / ISHIDO-SHIKI / Abacus learning benefits [ability to grow with the abacus]
Abacus learning benefits [ability to grow with the abacus]

16 Jan,2020

Abacus learning benefits [ability to grow with the abacus]

Abacus learning benefits [ability to grow with the abacus]
Read this article to learn abacus learning benefits.
By abacus learning, you will know your ability to grow.

This time, we are talking about ISHIDO-SHIKI, which has produced many World Cup winners.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents
1. What is abacus learning benefits?
2. Why abacus learning is still being learned around the world


1. What is abacus learning benefits?

What is abacus learning benefits?

Here is the abacus learning benefits.
Please also see those who think that it is the age of the personal computer now.
The abacus has elements of genius education.


1-1.Increase concentration level

Increase concentration level
An abacus is a manual aid to calculating. The abacus itself doesn't calculate: it's simply a device for helping a human being to calculate by remembering what has been counted and it is a quicker method to solve problem. Accuracy is essential in abacus counting.
With the help of an abacus, simple arithmetical functions are easy to learn. In addition to that, children in so far classroom can be as young as those who are just a preschooler solong they are able to sit independently and able to write numbers from 1-9.
They can equally benefit from this course.It will greatly help them to bring up their concentration level in their daily activities. Not only that, it helps to boosts better and faster calculation skills. Increases endurance for stress and pressure too.


1-2.Improve memory capacity

Improve memory capacity
The brain has two halves or hemispheres: right and left. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body,and the left hemisphere controls the right side. In most people,
the left hemisphere regulates language and speech, and the right hemisphere controls nonverval, spatial skills. The abacus and its beads provide a visuall representation for children to utilize when they are doing problems.
This help the student to develop a pictorial representation of the problem in the brain. Through intensive training, it helps in elevating memory power.


1-3. Judgement ability

Judgement ability
When children are calculating by using abacus, their hands, eyes and brain work together and the activities shown in their brains are memorization.
observation, judgment and mastering. Thus, it is important to ensure to keep the interest of kids intact in the training.

Though Listen-And-Calculate training and See-And-Calculate training, student's perceptibility, judgment and inferring abilities will be enhanced.


1-4.Processing capacity

Processing capacity
Abacus calculation skills training course helps to improve the information processing inside the brain by listening.
In popular education system, our children gain knowledge in classroom by initially by listening to information, this process involves simultaneously activity.
Hence, learning of abacus is useful in gather information and input it efficiently and quickly.



Hands on daily practice is necessary for a child to complete the learning cycle - repetition in the form of daily practice reinforces what was being taught to a child,
As abacus mental arithmetic requires speed and accuracy, learning it over a long period of time can gradually develop learners' attention to detail, diligence and meticulousness.
All there traits help culticate children's sense of responsibility, perseverance as well as their inner drive to strive for efficiency.


1-6. Creativity

Long term learning of abacus helps the brain to visualize in performing calculations which automatically activates the right part of brain especially when we move our fingers over the beads and talk aloud while solving the problems.
When children use both hands to move abacus beads in arithmetic calculations, it stimulates cells in both the right and left sides of the brain. This results in quick, Balanced whole brain development, leading to greater mental capacity. While the creative right side of the brain is being exercised,
the "logical" left side is being used to do methematical calculations. This combination of creativity and logic helps your child strengthen the whole brain.


2. Why abacus learning is still being learned around the world

Why abacus learning is still being learned around the world

Why abacus is studied at elementary schools around the world
That's because there are benefits from the abacus learning we wrote earlier.
Here are a brief history and recommended sites where you can learn abacus online.


2-1.The ability to grow with the abacus is being reviewed around the world, and the abacus is being learned at elementary schools around the world

The ability to grow with the abacus is being reviewed around the world, and the abacus is being learned at elementary schools around the world
People around the world have come to realize that the ability to grow on the abacus is friendly to brain development
Now, abacus classes have begun in elementary schools in various countries other than Japan and China.


2-2.A brief history of the abacus

A brief history of the abacus
The abacus is a sand abacus since the 2nd century BC.
Over time, the shape has changed and Japan has entered the 16th century.
Everyone understood the importance of calculation in Japanese merchants and battles, and started a private school and spread it throughout Japan.


2-3.Is it the mainstream abacus that improved in Japan?

Is it the mainstream abacus that improved in Japan?
At present, the top five beads are one and the bottom one is four abacus.
This is because when you first came to Japan from China in the 16th century, It used two 5 beads and five 1 beads
This shape has been improved by the Japanese. And this abacus of the mainstream now.


2-4.A compete for the mental calculation world cup is also being held

A compete for the mental calculation world cup is also being held
You can also acquire mental arithmetic skills with the abacus.
Once every two years in Germany, a world tournament where the world's mental calculations stronger are gathered
The Mental Calculation World Cup is being held.


2-5.Japanese ISHIDO-SHIKI has produced many championships in the mental calculation world cup

Japanese ISHIDO-SHIKI has produced many championships in the mental calculation world cup
The winners and runners up in such mental calculation World Cup,
This is Japanese ISHIDO-SHIKI.
They understand the benefits of 46 years of the abacus learning experience, and It has helped to grow a large number of students with the original curriculum and develop personal abilities.


2-6.How to Learn ISHIDO-SHIKI by online

How to Learn ISHIDO-SHIKI by online
Japanese ISHIDO-SHIKI with many World Cup winners
Learn its unique curriculum online.
If you are connected 24 hours a day, you can learn the original curriculum of ISHIDO-SHIKI wherever you are.


What did you think?
The benefits of abacus learning are numerous and tend to be more effective at a younger age.



Buy abacus online
Buy abacus online
There are various types of abacus, but from the perspective of abacus teachers and professionals


Let's try Abacus online competition
Let's try Abacus online competition
This article is for those who want to abacus online competition. If you are confident in the abacus and want to compete with the world, please take a look. This site allows you to compete online with people from around the world by mental arithmetic using the power of the abacus.



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