Blog / Education / Apr 2021 New: Brain Booster Games for Single or Multiplayers
Apr 2021 New: Brain Booster Games for Single or Multiplayers

12 Apr,2021

Apr 2021 New: Brain Booster Games for Single or Multiplayers

Apr 2021 New: Brain Booster Games for Single or Multiplayers
Educational activities are known to be dry and boring.

Ever since the discovery of brain booster games, parents are now able to use innovative and fun ways to engage their children whilst ensuring that they receive the education they need.
This article talks about what these activities are and how parents can fully use them to their advantage.


I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Brain Booster Games That You Might Not Know Exist

Brain Booster Games That You Might Not Know Exist

Humans are humans due to their exceptional brains. No other animal shows such dense grey matter in their brains as humans do.

The most vulnerable and sensitive are the growth stages.

Children need extra care and nutrition to grow properly and upon that their brain needs even more nutrients.

In this article, we will see some foods that can improve the brain, ways to boost the brain with help of an abacus, and certain brain exercises you can find online to make use of all that brain muscle!

Let us get started without further ado:


1-1.Brain Booster Games and Food for Your Little Ones

Brain Booster Games and Food for Your Little Ones
As the age-old saying goes, we are what we eat.

Someone who gobbles down large chunks of cheese and fast food each day will obviously have worse health than someone who survives off of freshly grown vegetables and plant-based food.

Some foods however are proven to be more successful in improving the brain than others.

Let us take a look at some of them:

1) Omega-3 Fish: These fish are also known as oily fish.

They contain a significant amount of omega-3 molecules.

Omega-3 is known to improve cognition and thinking ability.

Vegetarian alternatives include soybean and flaxseeds.

2) Dark Chocolate: Antioxidants are extremely important.

Dark chocolate is made from cacao which contains a powerful antioxidant called flavonoid.

This substance can slow down age-related cognitive decline and related issues.

3) Berries: Berries of all sorts, including strawberries, blueberries, currants and mulberries contain flavonoids.

They work the same way as dark chocolate does, they keep the oxidants away from the brain.

4) Peanuts: Peanuts are full of healthy nutrients.

Specifically, about the brain, they contain Vitamin E and resveratrol.

These two are needed during the growth stages for the proper build-up of the brain.

5) Eggs: Eggs are a very popular breakfast option.

They are also very popular for boosting brain growth.

They contain essential Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin B-12.

Folic acid, which is a much-needed substance, is also present in them.


1-2.Brain Booster Abacus Games Suitable For Children

Brain Booster Abacus Games Suitable For Children
Abacus, the simple arithmetic tool that is used by millions of students each year, is a proven method for boosting the brain.

It is aggressively practiced by many competitive people simply because it is so good.

Here we will see some simple ways in which one can get better with the abacus:


1) Practice daily: The real secret to boosting your brain with the abacus is to practice on it daily.

No matter what your expertise level is, no matter which course you signed up for.

The point is not what you practice with the abacus, but that you do.

Simply working on the beads regularly will help you gain improvement.


2) Stick to the schedule: Think of your brain like a muscle.

Just like muscles need to be practiced daily for the best results, the brain does too.

Most people get burnt out, however. Remember to stick to the schedule.

No matter what holiday it is, no matter what work you might have, just follow the set schedule.

Doing everything else is in vain if you don’t follow this particular point.


3) Be creative: People with more brainpower, do stuff that others don’t.

Be like them, do new stuff. Simply doing the textbooks and question sheets does not make your brain any stronger.

It is the new challenges that set the bar high. The same goes with the abacus too.

Try to mix up the exercises and create strict guidelines.


4) Time your practice: To boost your brain, you need to constantly improve.

Improvement implies positive gain.

The best way to measure this per a time basis.

Make sure to measure how much improved.

Has your improvement become negative?

Are you reaching your limits?

Timing your practice can help you answer these questions.


1-3. Brain Booster Games That You Can Find Online

Brain Booster Games That You Can Find Online
The internet is full of brain exercises that are simply waiting for someone to open them up and start solving.

In this section we shall look at some of them: Online Soroban has a brilliant collection of brain games online.

The exercises range from number games to fun competition maths.

The topics cover a wide range from cognition to reaction times to arithmetic abilities.

The games are a popular choice among parents.

They focus primarily on cognition and related areas.

Their app also allows seamless flow, so you can work on any device you want.

The games are short and simple to understand.

When we allow our children to immerse in exciting exercises and games, it improves their focus and gives them a form of motivation.

Making use of Online Soroban's flash anzan game can also help you improve your mental calculation skills.


We can conclude by saying that the brain is a new power.

Every child, student, and adult should work towards improving their brain.

We have discussed different foods that improve the brain.

Note that the brain is a complex organ and no single food item will provide everything that the brain needs.

We, therefore, had a list of different food items which should be included in the diets for healthier brain function.

We also discussed some ways to improve the brain.

The overall catch is that the more you use your brain the better it gets at any job.

So, if you use the brain to solve problems, you should get better at it.

And if you use it to solve new problems each time, eventually it will be able to solve any problems that are thrown its way.



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