Blog / Education / Apr 2021 New: How Does Mental Calculation Work for 2 Types of Students?
Apr 2021 New: How Does Mental Calculation Work for 2 Types of Students?

10 Apr,2021

Apr 2021 New: How Does Mental Calculation Work for 2 Types of Students?

Apr 2021 New: How Does Mental Calculation Work for 2 Types of Students?
Self-teaching methods like abacus are the best gift you can give to any child.

Online abacus schools have provided a safe and reliable source of additional training and coaching for young students.

Abacus is easily relatable and simple to understand.

The end to the benefits of abacus and mental math is yet not known.

There is no telling what children can accomplish with their mental strength when given the right guidance.

Learn how does mental calculation work with the abacus here.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. How Does Mental Calculation Work When You Learn With the Abacus?

How Does Mental Calculation Work When You Learn With the Abacus?

Our brain is like the captain of a ship.

It tells the ship, which is our body in this case, where to go, what to do, how to do it, and why to do it.

Our mind makes all the decisions for us based on the information sent by our sensory organs.

The sensory organs are the eyes, nose, ears, and skin.

They tell our brain about the surrounding environment and then our brain accordingly acts on that.

There is a huge gap between the mental abilities of a child and an adult.

This is primarily because the adult has had more life experiences and training.

A child on the other hand is in the former years of their mental training.

Our brain is not only amazing but one of the most complex biological structures.

It is a miracle of nature that human brains have evolved to this point.

We can observe this difference in many ways.

Just take a look around and you will see the feats humans have achieved so far compared to any other species.

Understanding the human mind is a challenging venture.

Scientists so far have only scratched the surface of information about the human mind and its operation.

Based on what we know so far, one thing is clear, the only way to strengthen our mind is through hard work and dedication.


1-1.How Does Mental Calculation and Mental Health Work Together?

How Does Mental Calculation and Mental Health Work Together?
Mental is one of the most underrated topics in our society.

Mental health not only affects adults but children too.

The effects of poor mental health in children are much harder to notice.

Children show a diverse range of emotions and behavior patterns, which only makes things more difficult to study.

A side effect of neglecting mental health leads to devastating outcomes.

The leading reason for depression amongst students has been linked to unattended mental issues, relationships, and other personal problems.

These problems only get more complex with time if left unresolved.

The main reasons for mental depression amongst young children are mainly bullying, the inability to comprehend study material, peer pressure, and poor grades.

These problems can have a domino effect if parents or guardians fail to intervene at the right time.

Getting through the roots of such problems can be a daunting task.

Children psychologists and guidance counselors are a viable option to refer to in such scenarios.

Many such problems faced by young children can be resolved with simple counseling sessions or enrichment training.

Mental health is not taboo and must not be ignored.


1-2.How Does Mental Calculation Work: Understanding Right and Left Brain Science

How Does Mental Calculation Work: Understanding Right and Left Brain Science
The theory behind left and right brain dominance has left many muddled.

On the other hand, many people found this theory quite reasonable and logical.

In a few words, it is theorized that left-brained people are logical, analytical, and factual, while right-brained people are creative, intuitive, and carry holistic thinking.

The science behind this theory is quite compelling.

It suggests that the brain chemistry of some people makes them more creative and imaginative, thus resulting in painters, dancers, musicians, and other artists.

These people have a heightened sense of their surroundings and visualization power.

Left-brained people tend to be more linear thinking.

They like order, facts, and reasonable logic.

Some people may think that left and right-brained people are total opposites.

That is quite untrue since we all possess the strengths of left and right brains in some measures.

The same theory can be applied to children as well.

Now it becomes easier to understand why some children prefer playing doctor while others like to play action games.

Although everybody has a unique nature and personality, we are more similar than different from each other.


1-3. Abacus and How Does Mental Calculation Work

Abacus and How Does Mental Calculation Work
Abacus gets mentioned quite a lot in discussions about children’s mental health.

Social media and the internet have also fuelled the spread of awareness about mental math and the abacus.

Abacus was swiftly shared with the online world a few years ago.

As a result of this, we can see a rapidly growing number of online abacus schools and teachers.

Parents in most urban places have found the perfect solution to their child’s mental health needs.

If parents want they can easily take over all the duties of an abacus teacher if they can invest the time.

Getting your abacus teaching license online is only a few simple steps away.

The internet has removed a significant amount of problems out of the way of students, teachers, and parents in the last decade.

While getting their abacus teaching license online, parents will realize why abacus is so efficient and reliable.

Abacus relies on the power of imagination, visualization, and mental contemplation of facts.

Abacus truly offers a colossal range of learning options.

Parents will discover how the abacus can be paired up with simple activities to extract more benefits from it.

Most video games, social activities, challenges, and math puzzles ask children to solve simple math problems.

Abacus is the best alternative to a calculator or asking your parents the answer.


Children have a long way ahead of them before they are categorized as adults.

This period is vital to the mental and physical growth of children.

There is a saying that goes like this,” stronger the foundation, the stronger the structure”.

The knowledge and experience gathered by children over their formative years will decide the course for the rest of their lives.



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