Blog / Education / Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers: Jan 2021 New
Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers: Jan 2021 New

01 Jan,2021

Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers: Jan 2021 New

Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers: Jan 2021 New
Raising a toddler is an experience of a lifetime.

The journey is beautiful, strenuous and enlightening at the same time for both parents and the kids.

As they grow, it i crucial to have an educational plan to establish a strong foundation for them.

Learn more about mental caluclation and the benefits of abacus for toddlers.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Understanding a Few Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers

Understanding a Few Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers

Early childhood is very important from the child’s growth and developmental standpoint.

Contrary to popular belief that children learn when they grow older, we now know for a fact that the first few years of a child’s life are equally important for their growth.

Children go through various stages of learning and training through the first eighteen years of life.

This period of a student’s life is vividly categorised into grades from 1 to 12, nursery and kindergarten.

Students are meant to acquire basic education, social etiquettes and skills through a predefined education system.

This will prepare them for the basic challenges of life and following their own unique goals in life.

Our education system is very sophisticated and detailed, which serves and trains our young ones through a step by step process.

Before our children enter schools or nursery education, there are roughly around three years of time a child gets to spend completely with their parents and family.

This is the time where parents are the main teachers as well as caretakers for their little ones.

During the toddler phase, parents are supposed to raise the mental and physical strength of their children systematically through in-home learning techniques and methods.

During our course of the research, while writing this article, we were successful in gathering some helpful data on the science of toddler care and training.


1-1.The History and Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers

The History and Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers
An abacus is a mathematical invention which is primarily used as a calculating and training tool.

Invented thousands of years ago, the first tabulating device looked nothing like what we use today.

The first few iterations of abacus were actually drawn on a plane surface with chalk.

Small objects were kept on a drawn matrix of arrays and columns, which were moved to perform mathematical calculations.

The modern abacus we see today is an advanced iteration of the first model.

We now use a wooden or plastic frame to hold the rows and columns of the abacus.

Circular beads are planted on the rows and columns, which are given a certain numerical value.

A set of rules and regulations will guide students on how to perform basic arithmetic operations on the abacus.

In the earlier days, people were amazed by the real-time applications of mental calculation.

It was used as a calculating tool in market places, schools, homes and offices.

The word spread pretty fast and soon there were different versions of abacus popping in different corners of the world.

Every version of abacus was built on the same principle, however, some abacuses were able to have more range and complexity of the operation.


1-2.a Few Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers

a Few Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers
Abacus can be a great learning and play toy for toddlers.

Most of us are aware that children start learning pretty early on. Most children will start picking up on names, commonly used words and expressions where they are only nine months old.

By the age of twenty-four months, most children will be able to piece together a few words and create broken sentences.

Although it may not seem like it children are actually processing a lot of information in the former years of life.

Toddlers learn at a phenomenal rate due to their malleability.

Abacus can help channel their energy into productive actions and lessons.

It is easier for parents to work with abacus while training because small children are naturally drawn to the colourful and unique appearance of an abacus.

An abacus can practically be used in most activities and lessons.

It is a calculating tool, which means parents can encourage the use of abacus in a lot of situations.

Abacus has been known to generate qualities like early passion for learning, mental math and self-confidence.

Abacus does wonders to the self-esteem of young kids through all a natural teaching method.


1-3. Daily Examples and Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers

Daily Examples and Benefits of Abacus for Toddlers
Every experience and situation in their lives is teaching them something.

Observation and intervention is the best possible course of action for parents during this time.

Guardians must keep an eye on their little ones as much as possible, to look out for warning signs and other helpful clues.

Small children are incapable of expressing urgent or any concerns properly, thus parents should be qualified and prepared to undertake such duties.

Abacus is known to improve our mental strength.

Through an all-natural boost to our mental activity, mental calculation enhances the development of several skills and abilities through regular use.

Creativity, intuition and imagination are the main skills that students use while working with an abacus.

More time and practise with abacus converts into a barrage of benefits for students.

It also helps logical reasoning, quantitative analysis, concentration and memory with regular practise and use.

Our mental strength is the driving force behind our motivation in life.

Abacus can ensure that the academic track in our children’s life has fewer hurdles in them.

It promotes well being and a positive outlook towards education and learning in students.


Parents need to take a strong stand when it comes to their little one’s welfare and upbringing.

Any unwanted compromise by the parents can lead to punishing situations in the future.

With the commonly available information on child care, like articles and books on the internet, parents have a reasonable amount of information on their fingertips to get started.

For expert advice and consultation, parents could turn to professional help or teachers who can guide them with childcare better.

Alternatives like mental math or soroban can be lifesavers for parents.

Abacus is still one of the tops suggested educational tools and learning methods due to its efficiency and success rate.

Parents must give abacus, one of the most renowned educational tools for young kids, a shot. After all, there is no harm in learning something new.



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