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Develop Children's Skills for an Early Headstart in Life in Just 5 Weeks: December 2020 New

21 Dec,2020

Develop Children's Skills for an Early Headstart in Life in Just 5 Weeks: December 2020 New

Develop Children's Skills for an Early Headstart in Life in Just 5 Weeks: December 2020 New
Learning online can help reduce the stress of handling books, and makes it easier for children to manage their data and information.

Eliminating any unnecessary stress in your children’s life will free up their mental space for more relevant knowledge.

Of course, there are other ways to develop your children's skills. Please continue reading to learn more about them.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Start Developing Children Skills and the Reasons for Doing So

Start Developing Children Skills and the Reasons for Doing So

Ideally, the early years of our lives should be used to develop skills and learn information that will help us in later phases of life.

Technically speaking, learning never stops in life.

However, there is a subset of precautions and measures that one can take to get a head start in life.

Parents can choose from a number of easy to perform activities, they can help their child get a running start before they join the school.

After that step, schools and teachers step in to raise the knowledge and experience of kids.

Joint efforts from parents and teachers are the primary sources of support and guidance for children until they become of working age.

The development process for children can start as young as nine months old.

This is when they start to decipher a few commonly used words and phrases.

Ideally speaking, babies will start conversing between the ages of twelve to eighteen months.

This is the phase when parents need to step their game up and become more active in the lives of their young ones.

At two years old, babies can become capable of processing complex thoughts and creating whole sentences.

Educational gadgets, books and toys are best friends of children during this phase.

It will help them develop muscle memory for alphabets, numbers and some basic skills.

They will also be equipped with developmental skills to get into pre-school and kindergarten during this time.

We took the liberty of finding highly relevant information to assist you and your child get a head start in this academic development journey.


1-1.What Can Parents Do to Develop Their Children's Skills

What Can Parents Do to Develop Their Children's Skills
The pressing issue in child education is actually related to parents and guardians.

Their effort and understanding of this process are very important for the child and their performance.

Parents are the primary source in a toddler’s life for learning fundamental behaviour, emotions, habits and principals.

Young children learn a lot through observation.

So it is imperative for parents and other older members of the house to maintain a civil and positive environment around children.

This is the step towards uplifting child education.

Kids will learn faster and perform better in safe and controlled settings.

Next step would be to understand your children’s strengths and weaknesses.

This is probably the most important step in analysing your children’s behaviour.

As parents, it is highly advisable to communicate as much as possible.

This will reveal key signs of their strengths and weak spots.

Depending on a fair analysis, parents can go for a number of options that can help direct them effectively to deal with those issues.

For kids struggling to learn mathematics, abacus can be a boon.

It will teach them about numbers, basic arithmetic, reasoning and quantitative analysis.

There are plenty of educational tablets in the market, which can help your children learn language, music, numbers and other basic instructions.


1-2.Developing Children's Skills Through Play

Developing Children's Skills Through Play
Teaching young children through real experiences and examples is probably the most worthwhile method to bring out the best in them.

For children below the age of 5 years, informal learning techniques like games, music, movies and similar activities work the best.

Children of this age are more responsive to colours, famous characters, sounds and visuals.

So expert educators thought it would be wise to incorporate all these elements while designing learning courses for young individuals.

These activities can essentially be used to teach math, science, social behaviour and other important lessons.

Group activities are an easy way to create mock learning situations for kids.

The premise of learning with games can be used to teach young students about the importance of winning or losing.

Teaching them to handle a win or a loss through real-life situations is more penetrable.

Although learning with books is still optional, it can depend on the preference and available resources.


1-3. Developing Children Skills With the Abacus

Developing Children Skills With the Abacus
One of the educational tools in the world of learning has turned out to be super innovative and successful, and that is an abacus.

Once, the abacus was thought of as a tool that can help you count and keep track of things.

Sooner later, it was discovered that abacus could trick your brain into learning some really useful mental skills.

After much speculation and studies, experts concluded that indeed abacus has a unique teaching approach that makes it easy to learn math.

Now we know that learning on an abacus can help boost your concentration, creativity, memory, communication and several other supporting mental abilities.

Moreover, it is a fun experience for children since there are tons of games and activities based on an abacus.

Every activity has the potential of teaching new and meaningful skills.

Group lessons build socialising skills with other students and discover new experiences from their peers.

Abacus will not help your child ace in their maths exam but also nourish several of their mental abilities, so they are outperforming in other areas and skills as well.

Students will develop a sense of confidence and self-esteem, which will motivate them further to try harder and become better.


The internet has sped things up for a lot of us in a good way.

Not to mention, it will give them a head start in different skills like understanding technology and other modern skills.

Parents of the current age are expected to work smarter than harder.

We have a plethora of digital tools and software at our disposal that can assist, support, and guide your children’s education, sitting at home.

As citizens of the modern age, we must turn to newer ideas and techniques to expand our reach and potential.



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