Blog / Education / Feb 2023 New: How to Practice Math Online While in Quarantine
Feb 2023 New: How to Practice Math Online While in Quarantine

12 Feb,2023

Feb 2023 New: How to Practice Math Online While in Quarantine

Feb 2023 New: How to Practice Math Online While in Quarantine
Getting started for newbies trying to learn digitally. This article teaches you how to practice math online and different ways to go about doing it.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents


1. Tips on How to Practice Math Online With Your Laptop

Tips on How to Practice Math Online With Your Laptop
Practice makes a man perfect. The saying could not be truer for any other subject than maths. There are subjects where graphs are necessary, there are subjects where a lot of memorization is necessary, but maths is one subject where a lot of training is necessary. Simply understanding the concepts will not be enough for you to excel in the exams. This is because the application of those concepts will only come to you if you apply them to actual problems from your textbooks. The internet has emerged as an important education technology tool. Is there a way to learn math online? Let us look into it a bit more.


1-1.How to Practice and Cub Boredom With Math Tools Online

How to Practice and Cub Boredom With Math Tools Online
"The first and foremost thing you should have to achieve any goal is a clear mind. Without a clear mind, no matter how much you plan for the future and no matter how hard you push yourself, your work is simply not going to have that kind of quality. It will always be missing that spark. Getting rid of your boredom is a great step towards getting a steady mind. Let us look at some educational games that you can use to kill that boredom and ensure that it never comes back to you: 1. Flash Anzan: This is a great game that tests your critical thinking and problem-solving capacities. The stage is set with slow numbers that flash on the screen. More numbers will appear and the objective is for students to use mental math to solve and add these numbers together. The first person to solve the ‘equation’ will be the winner. This is a fun and addictive game that will help you develop quick thinking and keep you on your toes. 2. Online Soroban: Another game or entertainment platform you can find on our soroban website is the array of educational materials for both young children and working adults. In this portion of the educational system, students will be exposed to the wonders of the abacus. Many important fundamentals will be taught in videos that are inspired by the ISHIDO-SHIKI teachings. This is a great platform for students and teachers who are interested to get certified when they learn the abacus. Teachers and educators can even get licensed to become an abacus tutor too.


1-2.How to Practice Math Online and the Importance of Consistency

How to Practice Math Online and the Importance of Consistency
"Practice, practice, and more practice! When it comes to math, the importance of consistent training simply cannot be stressed enough. You have to work through tons of problems to achieve a lot of things. Let us make a list of things you gain by a lot of practice: - The ability to sit through a lot of problems at once - The ability to keep doing problems for a long period of time - The endurance to keep taking problems back to back - The speed necessary to solve a lot of questions in less time - The accuracy needed to correctly answer in the exams - The conceptual quality needed to tackle exam questions - The ability to apply textbook concepts to actual problems in real life As we can see there are tons of benefits of practicing a lot when it comes to maths. It simply does not make any sense to not work on math questions. Importance of consistency Consistency is an incredibly important thing when it comes to practice. Sure, you were energetic one day and sat through twenty problems altogether. But what about the next twenty problems for the next day? No, you did not do them because you were feeling lazy. Let's not let that happen. We will have to make sure that we work daily, without breaks. Learning maths is not an easy thing because consistency is difficult. Develop consistency and math is nothing. But are there any sure shot ways of developing consistency? Yes, one of the popular methods is known as the X effect. What we do is make a grid that is seven by seven. This gives you seven weeks with seven days each. Repeat your tasks daily and check them off. The fiftieth day should come to you naturally.


1-3. How to Practice Math Online and Make Learning a Habit for Young Children

How to Practice Math Online and Make Learning a Habit for Young Children
"Making habits is something that pretty much all of us have struggled with at some point. Here are some clear ways in which you build a good habit or learning abacus daily or otherwise: - First and foremost you have to know that improving yourself merely one percent a day will lead you to a net improvement of thirty-seven percent. This is not something we made up. It is based on mathematics. - The next thing we need to be very clear about is that we should be focussing on what we want to become rather than what we have to do. So instead of thinking that you have to practice a lot of math today, think to yourself what the class topper would be doing - practicing math. It is the same thing in theory but the difference of thinking about it this way makes all the difference. - One should also be aware of the four-step model of creating habits successfully. The first step is the cue. This has to be something that makes you want to do the thing. In this case, it can be the thought of scoring maximum marks on a math paper. - The next step is the craving, this means you want to do the act more than ever. - The third step is the actualization of the action. You make the action and do your daily share of work. - Lastly, you enjoy the rewards of your hard work - that you did today’s work and you are better at calculations today than you were yesterday.


Practice is like the fuel that keeps the mathematical engine in your mind running. It has a very similar effect as that of sportspersons - they stop playing for some time and they lose all the expertise they had. This is why we have mentioned a proper way to develop powerful habits that will help you succeed in life. Making a habit and sticking to it is the way to go.

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