Blog / Education / Jun 2021 New: 2 Online Educational Games That Can Improve Your Maths
Jun 2021 New: 2 Online Educational Games That Can Improve Your Maths

08 Jun,2021

Jun 2021 New: 2 Online Educational Games That Can Improve Your Maths

Jun 2021 New: 2 Online Educational Games That Can Improve Your Maths
Be it your brother, sister, or friends, games bring us all together and share beautiful times.

They have changed the arc of learning and socializing by a massive margin in the last decade.

This is both a good and bad thing for students.

With a lot of freedom, there is also room for exploitation of resources, therefore parents must be on their toes at all times.

Discover on ways to leverage on online educational games.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Online Educational Games to Make Learning Fun

Online Educational Games to Make Learning Fun
Are schools fostering all educational and developmental needs of your child ”?

This is a thousand-dollar question that has bothered parents for a long time now.

Even though school curriculums, study material, and scheduling are dealing with the right objectives, your child may be lacking some things along the way.

It is a strenuous job for teachers to equally divide their attention amongst all the students.

Given this challenge, it gives rise to problems that could hamper the performance of your child.

Parents must always be on the lookout for new methods and techniques to spruce up their child’s education at home and school.

Communicating timely with children will help parents stay on top of a range of issues.

Learning and growing at the same time is a fairly draining task for young children.

Children have immense pressure on them nowadays related to homework, exams, and extracurricular activities.

It becomes essential at this point to introduce a source of release or relaxation to help manage their stress levels.

Learning with entertaining methods like games has overturned the odds in our favor.

Learning through games has proven to improve children’s thought processes amongst other essential skills.

Digital learning content has given students a new and interesting outlook on learning and training.

Let’s dive into the process of learning challenging subjects like math through entertaining and social methods.


1-1.Power of Online Educational Games

Power of Online Educational Games
Technology has offered us some lucrative ideas, tools, and technologies.

Education is constantly improving and getting more well organized with the help of technology and digital tools like apps.

Learning remotely via the internet has its pros and cons in place.

The biggest upside to remote learning is without a doubt the ability to learn from a different location on top of being inexpensive.

The market is huge and rapidly growing for students who are interested in learning via virtual classrooms and digital content.

Games, video lessons, and learning apps have entered the field and uncovered new possibilities for everyone.

Games have emerged as the cutting-edge new technique of developing new skills and strengthening the mind.

Students learning math are seeing a new face of education with the help of online abacus schools and math games.

Tough topics in math and science become more relatable and interesting with games.

They help keep the student’s spirits high with in-game reward systems and other cool items like skins and such.

Every game has a creative element that allows students to fiddle with their imagination and mental skills.

For instance, abacus games are also very social activities that help develop qualities like team building and leadership skills.


1-2.Fascinating Ways to Learn With Online Educational Games

Fascinating Ways to Learn With Online Educational Games
Getting together with friends and learning new concepts with engaging games will have many benefits for your children. Not to mention, the mental and physical skills they will develop along the way.

It will help your children Instigate and maintain interest in studies and education in general.

Very important skills like concentration, apprehension, discipline, strategic thinking, and decision making can also be covered by games extensively.

Eye coordination and motor movements have a huge impact on young children while learning and playing.

Online games that offer quizzes and puzzles with numbers are a great way to spend time with friends and practice math.

As children grow, they can learn more complex operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with games.

Children in the age group of 5 to 10 years have plenty of benefits to acquiring from mental math.

During this time period, the development of memory, attention span, critical thinking, and logical response is very essential for their growth.


1-3. Abacus and Online Educational Games for Your Child

Abacus and Online Educational Games for Your Child
Math activities and lessons do not have to be very complex or expensive for that matter.

There are tons of great ideas for parents and teachers on the internet that can help them come up with awesome math activities for their children.

Google is a fairly popular search tool for looking up games and learning ideas for your children.

Teaching your kids at an early age with apps like Sudoku, chess, and Tetris, can be a good start.

These games are designed to instigate high mental activity and thought processes in players.

These types of games are also easy to learn and improve over time.

Young parents and guardians have less time to think and act as the world is progressing at a rapid speed.

Target areas like mental math affect the growth of children in a huge way.

The upside to using an abacus for teaching your kids is that they quickly pick up math and its basic rules.

Guidance and practice material on the abacus is available on nearly every online platform which improves accessibility for students.

Google PlayStore is a colossal market for abacus apps and other learning games.

Parents can also refer to professional teachers and guides, who are experienced in abacus training.

Dedicated abacus teachers have specialized training techniques that can speed up the learning process for your kids.

Online Soroban uses the abacus to act on the memory, cognition, responsive ability and thought process of students.

It makes children sharper and mentally attentive, which can radically improve their performance in school.


Math games become more enjoyable and interactive with peers, rules, and innovative ideas.

In schools, an abacus can become a tool for young students to connect with each other in constructive and creative ways.

Children, who are struggling with math on any level, can find a way to get around their problems with mental math and abacus.



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