Blog / Education / Jun 2021 New: 3 Latest Abacus Technology in Education
Jun 2021 New: 3 Latest Abacus Technology in Education

21 Jun,2021

Jun 2021 New: 3 Latest Abacus Technology in Education

Jun 2021 New: 3 Latest Abacus Technology in Education
Today, the involvement of technology in our daily life has increased so much that it is practically impossible to get by without it.

The world of technology keeps improving and adapting to make things better and more engaging for the students as well.

Discover the latest technology in abacus education that even you can learn with.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Latest Technology for Young Children in Education

Latest Technology for Young Children in Education
Computers and technology have changed a great deal the way we do things.

The development of the smartphone can be considered as one of the biggest leap throughs in technology that completely changed the way things work.

Revolutionary ways of learning material have been developed that help the students in learning faster than ever before. Let us go through it in more detail.


1-1.Learning With the Latest Technology in Education

Learning With the Latest Technology in Education
Digital Learning The concept of digital learning has been widely adopted by the education industry across the different levels of education.

Digital learning may involve the use of video content to explain topics better.

Animations are also a great way of engaging students of all ages.

Long textbook paragraphs can be condensed into short animations which are not just easier to understand and apply in real life but are also very easy to remember for a longer period of time.

It is no wonder then that material learned through digital means lasts for a longer period of time.

Another great advantage of digital learning is the tests and worksheets available.

It is much easier to time a test when using digital tools.

Such tools are also great for generating reports and highlighting the weaker areas of a particular student which makes it easier to improve.

Who is digital learning the best for?

It is generally considered that children do not study when given computers or smartphones to study with.

The problem is a bit different. It is often not the computers themselves, but the problem often is with the material that they are given.

With proper materials, it is observed that younger children tend to learn much better with digital means as opposed to traditional textbooks.

Digital learning is, therefore, the most well-suited for younger children. The high neuroplasticity that the children have worked to their advantage.

They can learn new concepts faster and score much better when taught using digital methods.


1-2.Uncommon and Latest Technology in Education You Can Find Online

Uncommon and Latest Technology in Education You Can Find Online
In this section, we will be taking a look at some not so widely known websites that can be useful for online learning.

Students studying in school can consider checking out Online Soroban.

In this soroban school, students can find free content that can be used by kids of all ages.

One of the most attractive features of the website is its free animation classes.

They have tons of free content for pretty much every abacus topic that is covered from pre levels up to sixth-grade maths.

The games and videos are great for when you want to keep the youngsters busy for a good while.

They have solutions or hints attached to them.

This makes learning easier to check the work once they are done.

Other features like finding a free, simple-to-use virtual abacus are another option you can consider.

A virtual abacus can be a great tool for learning about numbers and similar concepts about numbers.

This is a great tool that can be used exactly for this purpose. Just a simple abacus that has beads that move.

For students who have mastered the abacus, they will eventually learn about graphs.

Visual cues can be great for finding insights about anything related to maths.

Especially at a bit higher level, when algebra is introduced, graphs and related things can be really useful.

But the main problem is there are not many great graphing systems out there.

There are a number of informative and helpful math graphs that are completely free to use.

Drafting and graphing calculators can help young math students gain knowledge about their math problems.


1-3. Abacus Perks With Latest Technology in Education

Abacus Perks With Latest Technology in Education
Learning abacus online can have some great perks and benefits, let us review some of them here so you can better decide whether to go for online or offline abacus classes: Probably the most widely celebrated benefit of learning abacus online is the level of control one gets when learning online.

The course materials dispersed through online classes are accessible by the students at all times.

Therefore, the students can access it at any later time they wish to.

This breaks them free from the fixed nature of offline classes where they have to devote a fixed number of hours within a fixed schedule.

The next big perk of online abacus classes is the varied nature of exposure the child gets.

In an online class, children from various backgrounds and from various nationalities.

The diverse nature of such online classes really brings to life the true nature of online classes Live sessions are great for doubt solving on the go.

Whenever the child is facing issues they can connect with expert teachers online and get their doubts resolved.

It does not matter if it's a national holiday or the middle of the night, help will be available when it is asked for. No limits.

Such freedom is never possible with traditional classes.

Last but not the least, online classes do have actual brick-and-mortar offices, and although it is rare, they are becoming an increasing reality.

Such avenues can be used whenever the child is facing extra problems.


The world of online education has expanded exponentially because of the internet.

Today, more people learn online than they do offline.

It is simply cheaper, more effective, more accessible, and overall a better choice.

As we have already discussed, online classes provide features and benefits that offline classes could never.

The ability to simply pick up the phone and ask for help whenever they need is incredible.

Never before was this possible.



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