Mar 2021 New: Benefits of Learning Abacus in Just 3 Minutes
This article talks about how students who learn with abacus differ in performance from those who don’t. We also learn about the immediate and long-termbenefits of learning abacus. We spoke about the process of acquiring an abacus teaching license too.
I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from students.
Table of contents
Abacus has established itself as one of the pioneering tools for learning math. It aids in the development of mental health which in turn picks up the academic performance of students. It has been known for quite some time now that the abacus is a relatively safe and assured method for children of all ages, including those between 1 to 3 years old. Young parents are often on the hunt for mental challenges, coaching programs, or learning software that can boost their child’s performance in school. This puts immense pressure on parents and the students. Our world is turning into a smart world, where problems would require a smart solution. In today’s time, there are a growing number of learning, training, and development programs for students of all ages. Online learning is slowly emerging out of its infant stage and is expected to become more relevant in the coming future. Students will be encountering new challenges and rewards for their efforts as the world advances. To make sure that our students are up to this challenge and prepared to face any problems, we need to have a systematic plan in place. The learning stages of young children are divided into grades to ensure proper mental and physical development. The beginning phase of learning is very crucial for any student since it will decide the trajectory of their performance in future endeavors.
1-1.Comparison of a Student and Benefits of Learning Abacus
Young children will one day become the reflection of our society and culture. Students are very diverse when it comes to subtle differences in learning potential and strength. This forces parents and teachers to come up with unique approaches to teach in different ways. Abacus is very popular for its powerful and simplistic approach which overcomes the hurdles of this problem. It is a suitable learning tool for every student and nearly a majority of kindergarten teachers use it in schools. Over the years, researchers were able to gather enough data on the efficiency of the abacus when it comes to training students in math. The finding of this research surprised many educators and parents around the world. The students who were learning from abacus since a young age were performing better than other students by a large margin. This sprouted the seed of popularity for the abacus and today we can see its influence on our learning culture. There were many factors found to be massively affected by the assistance of the abacus and other mental math learning techniques. Some of these benefits have been discussed in the next section.
1-2.Benefits of Learning Abacus for Old and Young Students
Abacus has a tremendous range of benefits for students of all ages and academic backgrounds. Let’s take concentration as an example for instance. Concentration comes in handy for students when they undertake tedious or complex tasks that need their utmost focus and mental strength. It is a skill that is built over years through practice and hard work. Abacus has been known to boost the concentration span of students through a disciplined method. Students are required to work with small movable beads while working on an abacus. As the complexity of problems goes up, students are required to focus harder due to the growing number of variables they have to remember. As students spend more time over the years, their brain muscles get synchronized with the abacus technique. This results in a plethora of benefits for students of all ages like heightened memory, awareness, logical or critical thinking, and decision making on different scales. Math is a universal subject that has applications in nearly every field. Abacus can help your children become proficient in math in less time than other techniques. It will also give your child a mental tool to encounter math in every shape and form.
1-3. Abacus Teaching License Online: Benefits of Learning Abacus
The license for teaching abacus is unlike other teaching licenses. It is relatively easier to become acquainted with abacus teaching methods therefore the process of becoming an abacus teacher is quite lenient. Getting certified as an abacus teacher with Online Soroban is probably the easiest and economical option parents and teachers have. There are many ground schools that also specialize in teaching the teacher programs for abacus. When it comes to getting certified with Online Soroban, parents or teachers have fewer things to worry about. For instance, all one needs to learn online is a device that can handle video playing, which is very easy to get your hands on these days. The next thing one needs to worry about is the time schedule for your classes. Abacus learning programs can last between four to eight weeks. After that, students have to appear for a final clearance exam. Clearing the exam will reward students with a license to teach abacus in any formal school or to their children at home. Parents who want to take their teaching game up a notch can learn new and creative ideas through these programs which have a lot to offer.
Abacus holds a benefit for everyone who gets involved with it. Parents find it to be a comfortable and interactive platform to engage with their kids at home. Learning with an abacus brings along all the fun activities you could do with it while you learn math. Older students who are looking to get an edge over their mental skills have a lot to gain from the abacus. One can use the abacus to strengthen their motor coordination, attention span, memory, and cognition, which is all one needs to get ahead in the competition. For younger students, the prospect of learning with fun games and social activities is very intriguing hence abacus proves to be so worthy.
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