Mar 2021 New: What Is Abacus Program and How It Works
What is abacus program about? Learn about the benefits, ways of training, and learning soroban.
This article mentions some easy ways to get trained in abacus online as well as at home.
We also discussed the immediate benefits and future scope of the abacus.
I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from students.
Table of contents
Abacus was originally invented to help us count and manage the things around us more effectively.
As time went by, our understanding of math and its applications changed.
One thing however never changed, that is the abacus.
Today it has become an extended part of our education system and continues to evolve within.
There is a long list of reasons for people giving a lot of credit to abacus and mental math.
Math is at the roots of many things around us.
We use math to deal with a number of daily tasks and by now it is imminent in every person’s life.
Learning math can be simplified in many simple ways with the help of co-curricular activities, enrichment classes, and soroban training.
Parents and teachers worldwide use abacus on a daily basis to help young children climb the first few steps of math.
It is important to establish an understanding in young minds about the relevance and importance of math as early on as possible.
This will help young children learn how to tackle problems while staying on track.
The soaring popularity of the abacus in recent years has been closely linked to the rise of online learning and virtual training classes.
In this article, we will explore the rising trend of the abacus, mental math, online learning, and its future scope for students.
1-1.Understanding: What Is the Abacus Program
The construction of the abacus is fairly simple and straightforward.
This allows students and especially young children to relate to the tool very quickly.
Learning an abacus is very easy. However, with the help of an expert, students can explore its true potential.
Abacus is a great step towards learning the fundamentals of math.
Soroban can help you understand the underlying science beneath numbers and the way we use them.
For children between the ages of 1 to 4, shyness and fear are common factors that often hold them back from learning properly.
Learning through abacus can help struggling students get an alternative perspective on math.
This can be the tide of change for many people, as they learn to tackle those issues which are having a negative impact on their performance.
The abacus involves eye coordination, imagination, and tussling with your thoughts to get the results you want.
This process slowly starts to naturally wire the minds of students and understand math more fluently.
It can help students get rid of any anxiety that they may have had while dealing with numbers and boost their performance in math immensely in a short span.
Abacus is known to improve a range of other intrinsic qualities like:
- Memory, retention, and recollection
- Eye coordination
- Motor development
- Logical thinking and decision making
- Imagination and creativity
1-2.What Is Abacus Program and How Can Training Be Done Online
Virtual abacus is one of the most fun ways of using an abacus.
Virtual soroban will allow you to get access to a functional abacus with devices like cell phones, iPads, or computers.
Digital technology has made it possible for us to have an abacus by our side at all times.
However, there is more to the story. Learning with unconventional methods that do not require a pen or paper has a different set of benefits.
Learning in a fun and creative way can yield promising results as shown by so many studies over the years.
Teachers have been working to make math interesting and fun for years now and it seems that we may finally have something truly innovative on our hands.
Abacus programs have transformed the way children are learning math nowadays.
Online Soroban’s animated lessons, colorful themes, musical backgrounds, and interactive user interface are examples of how education has brought life into learning some of these subjects that were deemed as boring or difficult.
Learning with video games and movies is as fun as it sounds.
It stimulates both sides of your brain equally thus allowing students to maximize the potential of their mental strength.
These ideas may seem far-fetched, but they get you the results and are a great way to relieve stress as well.
1-3. What Is a Good Abacus Program for Children
A digital wave of technology has hit education very positively in recent times and as a result, we get to see so many innovative ways of learning and training online.
There is content for everyone’s taste and preference available online these days.
If you have just become familiar with the soroban and want to try out some demo lessons, then you are in luck.
Many reputed schools and teachers have uploaded free or demo courses on abacus which are aimed at giving you a little taste of their teaching style and techniques.
Online schools like Online Soroban offers certified courses for both students and teachers.
They have a structured program with online exams, video lessons, infinite practice sheets, a virtual abacus, a mental accelerator, and expert assistance on demand.
Paid courses are highly detailed, intensively managed, and guarantee results for every student.
Simultaneously, parents and teachers can also take a look at teachers’ training programs at one of these schools.
It is a quick and easy way for professionals and teachers to spice up their resumes with licensed abacus teacher certificates.
A growing world like ours will need a smart generation of people to carry and manage the workload.
Abacus has played a crucial part in creating some of the smartest people and ideas that we know of.
Abacus seems to have tremendous scope in the future as well due to its innate ability to train young minds in mathematical knowledge.
From my own personal experience, the abacus has changed the way I feel about math and helped me become fluent with numbers.
Many people have experienced this change and have been thankful for abacus and mental math ever since.
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