Blog / Parenting / May 2021 New: Boost Your Child's Self Esteem With 3 Creative Ways
May 2021 New: Boost Your Child's Self Esteem With 3 Creative Ways

14 May,2021

May 2021 New: Boost Your Child's Self Esteem With 3 Creative Ways

May 2021 New: Boost Your Child's Self Esteem With 3 Creative Ways
Teachers boost your child's self esteem with effective communication to relate with their students and carefully plans their day ahead of a lesson. Young children of our generation are the beacons of hope for tomorrow, we must do our part in keeping that light bright and strong.
Here, you can boost your child's self esteem by understanding how play learning works.


I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents


1. Boost Your Child's Self Esteem and Understand the Abacus

Boost Your Child's Self Esteem and Understand the Abacus

Every child finds their way to self-confidence and self-esteem through successful experiences. The better if these experiences are based on proper training and knowledge delivery. Information nowadays is available in abundance. Be it books, movies, the internet, or games, there are a number of sources at any instant to gain knowledge. Although how we chose to exercise that knowledge is completely subjective and depends on individual decisions. Boost your child's self esteem includes the ability to believe and value personal ideas and thoughts. We are a biological machine that learns from a diverse range of emotional and physical experiences. The guidance and training a child receives will eventually become their tools that will be used to achieve their goals and ambitions in life. There are plenty of activities through which young children can learn social behavior, personality development, soft skills, and communication. These activities can be grouped into either outdoor or indoor activities. In this article, we discuss some of these activities and how they can help young children take their first steps towards education. We are taking a keen interest in children who are still dependent on their parents while writing this article. The reason for that being, this is the time when they need maximum intervention from their parents or guardians.


1-1.Which Activities Are the Most Effective to Boost Your Child's Self Esteem?

Which Activities Are the Most Effective to Boost Your Child's Self Esteem?
Outdoor activities are about team building, social training, personality development, and physical skills.

Engaging in outdoor activities allows students to experience the world as we know outside our homes.

Some games and outdoor activities that are very common amongst people are listed below:

- A good old Scavenger Hunt

- Hide and Seek

- Visit the kid’s park

- Yoga or meditation

- All outdoor sports Many of these activities are created in order to spark individual innovation, creativity, confidence, and personality development.

People tend to learn quicker when they are part of the experience and the lesson itself.

It also helps young children get some time off digital devices, which allows them to reset their minds and get some physical exercise.

All sports are great examples of outdoor activities too.

Indoor activities have become much more popular since the onset of computers, gaming consoles, and the internet.

Although just as equally important as outdoor activities, we must weigh and choose our options carefully.

Such activities and games are usually crafted to exercise mental abilities like team building, memory, response time, reasoning, and critical decision making.

Some of the well-known indoor activities/games are listed as follows: - Video Games - Monopoly - Charades - Guess the word/celebrity/sportsperson/musician


1-2.What Must Parents Keep in Their Mind When Boosting Your Child's Self Esteem?

What Must Parents Keep in Their Mind When Boosting Your Child's Self Esteem?
Parents or guardians are the first contacts for a child before they step out into a world full of opportunities and dangers.

The very first words, habits, principles, and qualities a child will pick up would be from their parents naturally.

It is no mystery that a child will show behavioral characteristics based on the teachings from parents, however, that will also contribute to the foundation for what the child will become in his/her life.

Every parent wants the best for their children; however, the potential of the child depends on the training and upbringing they went through.

So as parents we must realize what a child really needs for sustainable growth and at the same time make sure we do our best in providing all that is mandatory.

If we refer to the current generation, then it is important to note that we live in a world with an ever-growing number of career opportunities, so we must engage with our kids accordingly.

Limiting your children to traditional or old teaching techniques may not be the best course of action.

We live in a digital world, thus parents and guardians need to consider the updated science and research when it comes to training young children.


1-3. Active and Passive Benefits of Boosting Your Child's Self Esteem

Active and Passive Benefits of Boosting Your Child's Self Esteem
Abacus is easily one of the leading teaching methods in the math community worldwide.

Learning math with an abacus is entertaining and constructive for young minds.

Many young children, who start off early with an abacus, start thinking of such tools as more of a toy and learning buddies.

To understand his issue better, we must realize that children show a varying range of weaknesses and strengths, just like any other adult.

Thus keeping your child bound to a standard method of learning is not feasible for them.

Many kids find it difficult to learn math with conventional pen and paper.

These kids show great responsiveness towards other methods of learning math like an abacus, online games, and other playful ideas.

Abacus programs the mind to become independent of calculators for small calculations.

This practice over time strengthens the brain connections and paves the way for higher math learning.

Children, who learn with an abacus, don’t experience learning difficulties like other children.

Their confidence levels and mental performance are substantially higher than students who have not experienced abacus.

Abacus can make drastic improvements to your memory, concentration, motor skills, and reasoning abilities in a matter of weeks.

Even some older students and professionals spend time regularly with an abacus to massage their brain muscles and refresh their mood.


We are concluding our argument in a very innate sense by highlighting how teachers have been able to instigate confidence and passion in their students.

The majority of the problems in a student’s life comes from their lack of knowledge and experience in certain subjects.

A teacher’s responsibility is to identify the weaker areas and support that student accordingly with the best techniques at their disposal.



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