Blog / Education / Motor Development in Early Childhood for Kids 3 Years and Below: Jan 2021 New
Motor Development in Early Childhood for Kids 3 Years and Below: Jan 2021 New

03 Jan,2021

Motor Development in Early Childhood for Kids 3 Years and Below: Jan 2021 New

Motor Development in Early Childhood for Kids 3 Years and Below: Jan 2021 New
Motor development is an aspect that many parents are noticing in the recent days. In early childhood, there are many aspects of influence.

This article talks about the methods and benefits that you can use at home.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Motor Development in Early Childhood for Your Little Ones

Motor Development in Early Childhood for Your Little Ones

Physical health and mental health go hand in hand.

We are expected to maintain a balance between the two for a sustainable life.

The expectation of better mental health without supplementing the physical body is like asking for a car with only two wheels.

The brain is part of our body and needs nourishment just like every other organ.

Our body is a complex biological machine. In order to properly understand one’s own body characteristics, it could take up to years of observation.

The fields of science and medicine are primarily responsible for researching information on the functions of the human body.

Maintaining proper health is a behavioral trait.

Young children need to be taught with real examples and information to make them understand the importance of taking care of one’s health.

When it comes to young children, their mental and physical health is of prime importance.

Motor development in children starts from the time they are born.

The first twelve months of a child’s life are very crucial for their health.

This is the time their bones will develop and their physical strength will start building up slowly.

Moving further into this article, we will discover the underlying issues of child care and how to deal with them properly as parents and teachers.


1-1.The Impact of Motor Development in Early Childhood

The Impact of Motor Development in Early Childhood
With respect to young children, motor development is basically categorized into two sections, small and large motor development.

A lot of abilities come under motor skills, like running, getting up, jumping, and picking up things.

Physical and mental coordination is very important for handling such skills.

Bigger movements like jumping, running, or throwing are considered large motor skills.

During such activities, the body is using mostly the larger muscles of the body.

Small motor skills are associated with abilities like moving your fingers, focusing on objects with your eyes, or making small precise movements.

Some other examples of small motor skills are writing, cutting with scissors, tying shoelaces, or drawing with crayons.

These activities include movements that are smaller but need more focus and attention.

Coordination between both large and small motor skills is what parents and teachers need to focus on.

Motor skills allow us to interact with objects and other people in our environment.

Parents and guardians need to undertake motor growth very seriously with their kids because it forms a major part of their interaction with the world.

Focus building activities, sports, meditation, and enrichment therapy can help children develop their motor skills soundly.


1-2.Tools That Can Be Used for Motor Development in Early Childhood

Tools That Can Be Used for Motor Development in Early Childhood
Abacus is a great tool for moderating and training our motor skills.

The combination of various benefits makes abacus sill a reliable option for child training.

The list of actual benefits that students can gain from abacus is quite long and hopefully, we are able to cover most of them in this article.

In regards to motor improvement, the abacus is very helpful in strengthening the coordination between our brain and muscles.

Most of us would be aware of the way the abacus works.

The movement of the beads on the abacus is an example of short motor skills.

Students need to process information in their brains before moving any beads.

This allows the brain to sync with the muscles of the hands.

Abacus is a great way of developing hand-eye coordination as well.

With time and practice, the muscle memory becomes stronger and children feel more confident about their abilities.

Working with an abacus is truly rewarding in many aspects.

Besides improving motor skills, it also improves attention, memory, soft skills, and cognition.

Mental math strengthens the brainpower, allowing children to extract maximum benefits from school and other classes.


1-3. the Roles of Parents and Educators That Contributes to Motor Development in Early Childhood

the Roles of Parents and Educators That Contributes to Motor Development in Early Childhood
Parents, guardians, and teachers are role models in the lives of young children.

They not only provide for them with basic amenities, but they are also responsible for their mental and spiritual learning.

The two major responsibilities that parents have are nutrition and education.

Let’s discuss these topics separately for our ease.

Nutrition is the fuel we all need in order to function properly.

Children especially in their formative years need a diet rich in protein, fruits, and vegetables.

This is prime time for building up their immune system.

Nutrition is vital from both mental and physical aspects of our body.

Our brain needs a proper intake of minerals for sustainable operation.

Now let’s explore the sector of education and learning for children.

Parents must decide on a school for their kids that meets certain expectations.

A good school will have a good social reputation, both online and offline.

Check the staff and internal infrastructure of the school properly before making any decisions.

Teachers are meant to be both parents and educators to our little ones.

Their job is to be a parent but in a more formal fashion so they can teach about the ups and downs of the academic journey.


Motor skills can be improved in a number of ways.

Learning musical instruments is a great way to enhance your coordination between the brain and physical muscles.

Any example of outdoor sports activity can help you improve your motor skills.

It comes down to the preference of individuals when choosing how they want to learn.

Experiment with different educational toys, games, and other activities to find out what your children like more.

Observation is important for parents because it helps them make constructive decisions for their kids.

Parents have to wisely choose what and how to teach and when.

Luckily we have a massive collection of information and data on the internet, books, and educational magazines, which can guide young and experienced parents in their child care expedition.

Parents.com and child-encyclopedia.com are great examples of websites that offer tons of useful material and tips.



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