Abacus practice video [watch Online abacus learning video at home]
The video will explain the steps of the abacus so you can understand it.
You can practice while watching abacus learning videos at home without going to the abacus classroom.
If you want to learning the abacus online at home, please visit here.
I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.
Table of contents
1. Practice while watching the abacus learning video at home
2. Prepare the practice environment while watching the abacus learning video
1. Practice while watching the abacus learning video at home
It is good to go to the abacus class in this era,
but now you can watch abacus learning videos whenever you connect to the Internet at home.
Introducing ISHIDO-SHIKI, who has produced many Mental Calculation World Cup winners with the power of the abacus.
1-1.Recommended site to learn abacus learning from scratch
Even beginners of abacus can learn from scratch.
Learn how to use your fingers, which is very important.
With the abacus and mental arithmetic, as you go to the advanced level, the time limit becomes stricter, but if you have a solid foundation you can help, so please learn well.
1-2.You can practice the abacus anywhere online 24 hours.
Some of the people who watch the abacus learning videos online include those who work, those who come back from school and learn
I think there are many people.
You can learn online 24 hours a day, so you don't have to worry about time.
1-3. What if I don't know from the abacus learning video?
For those who are studying the abacus for the first time, some people may feel uneasy with video alone.
Therefore, this site has a chat area,
If you don't know, you can always ask a question.
1-4.Can one child learn?
Yes. Easy for children to learn
I am making an abacus learning video with animation.
However, it is even better if an adult is nearby, as the child will be relieved.
1-5.How many people can we learn together?
Anyone can learn together.
Dad and mother can learn together with your child,
However, there is only one registered name for the certificate.
2. Prepare the practice environment while watching the abacus learning video
Earlier, I explained that you can learn abacus on the Internet.
Here, what you need to actually watch the abacus learning video at home,
We explain the necessary environment and contents of the curriculum.
2-1.How do I learn an abacus at home?
Use the internet at home and practice watching abacus learning videos online.
A lot of abacus learning videos are available.
Please watch the abacus learning videos one by one and solve the exercises.
2-2.What curriculum?
The curriculum uses Japanese ISHIDO-SHIKI.
ISHIDO-SHIKI's curriculum is an original curriculum called the small step-up method.
The children practice the abacus while having fun, so they can become confident in themselves who can play the abacus.
2-3.Which company?
ISHIDO-SHIKI is a brand created by ISHIDOco.ltd in Japan.
ISHIDO-SHIKI is an original curriculum that has produced many winners in the mental calculation World Cup.
It has a reputation for right brain education and early childhood education because it trains the imagination, concentration, and judgment.
2-4.Can I get a certificate?
Yes, we issue certificates online.
There are exams at the end of each abacus and mental arithmetic class.
If you pass the exam, you will get a certificate.
2-5. What you need to learn an abacus online
Two things to prepare for learning the abacus at home
Internet environment and abacus.
You can learn an abacus online with just these two.
2-6.Recommended abacus
When you look at the abacus on the Internet, there are many things,
My recommendation is a 23 digit abacus.
If possible, it is recommended that you use an abacus made of wood.
What did you think?
You can watch the abacus learning video on the Internet anytime and learning.
Click here if you want to use the abacus learning video

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This article is for those who want to abacus online competition. If you are confident in the abacus and want to compete with the world, please take a look. This site allows you to compete online with people from around the world by mental arithmetic using the power of the abacus.
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