Abacus Rules For Addition - Online Soroban's Mini Class
After learning the most basic abacus rules for addition, join our abacus masters as we figure out how addition can be done with mathematics.
Learn all the tips and tricks our abacus teachers have learnt during their time learning and teaching.
By the time you are done reading this article, you will be able to understand what the abacus is all about and learn how to do simple calculation, especially using the baacus to do addition!
I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.
Table of contents
2. What You Need To Know When Doing Maths With Addition
1. The Rules Of Abacus And Its Mathematical Functions
By now, you would have seen that viral video of a girl using her fingers to calculate numbers.
She was deep in thought and all that moved was her fingers.
Within a few seconds, she answered the maths question correctly.
You may be wondering what that was, or how it worked.
For those that did not know, that girl was solving the mathematical questions with mental calculation.
Paired along with the abacus, the mental calculation process is made much faster.
The truth is, the abacus has been around even before we were born.
It is a calculating frame that is made out of beads and columns and columns of beads.
The abacus has an important function to visually assist beginners that are on their journey to learn math with mathematics.
In this article, we will share the few tips and tricks you must know before taking the plunge with Online Soroban!
1-1.All The Rules Of Abacus
As we have mentioned before, the abacus is made up of approximately six or five rows of beads and more than ten columns.
Each bead represents a different number.
To use it in maths, you will have to slide it up to show the number and move it down to put it back in its original value, which is zero.
For the upper section, moving it down means that the number is used.
To not include it in your final answer, move it back up to its original position.
What about the meaning of the columns?
We know that each bead represents numbers from one to ten.
When it comes to column value, it is categorized as such: five, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, and billions.
For advanced students, the number of columns may increase to accommodate numbers of a bigger sum.
The abacus can do many mathematical functions.
As a rule of thumb, four main things can be done with the calculator: abacus addition and abacus subtraction.
As you progress, you will be able to learn how to do multiplication and division with your abacus too.
1-2.The Top Few Rules Of Doing Maths With Addition
When we use the abacus, there are some tips we should follow.
One of the first few things we learn is the most important one.
When we do something new, it is important to have good habits so that the foundation we build sets us on the correct path.
If we start forming bad habits in the early stages of learning, it is very tough to revert or un-learn something.
Typically, an individual will do a few things when they are being asked to calculate a number.
They would either do workings on a paper, use their fingers to count, or even whip the calculator out of their pockets.
Not only that, but we also turn to our smartphones and handheld electronic devices to calculate as well.
The most important thing to remember when you are doing addition is that we have to learn how to group the numbers together.
For instance, students should be able to know the numbers one to ten before even starting the calculating frame.
Next, they should know the different values in each of the individual columns.
When an addition equation is to be calculated, the students will have to learn how to group the numbers together and count the numbers nearest to tens or hundreds.
To solve the sum of thirty-three and sixty-five: the first rule is to put and show thirty-three in the abacus frame.
Next, add fifty by moving the beads down and push ten up.
You can do so by closing the beads together.
To find the final answer, students have to add the number five to complete the equation, making the final answer ninety-eight.
1-3. The ISHIDO-SHIKI Rule? What Is This Abacus Rules For Addition About?
A unique approach taken by Online Soroban is the ISHIDO-SHIKI abacus teaching plan.
Our teaching curriculum is heavily inspired by the teachings of the ISHIDO-SHIKI, the addition included.
For starters, learning calculation without the calculator takes a lot of patience and determination.
Using this traditional and unique teaching method will help us enforce discipline to motivate students and keep them on a schedule that will nurture them without overwhelming them.
2. Can I Apply The Same Rules For Subtraction, Multiplication, And Division Too?
Now that we have understood the basics, let us find out more about the other aspects of mathematics.
When you understand how the fundamentals work with Online Soroban, it is easier to progress and learn the other mathematic functions.
Learning with the qualified teachers on Online Soroban, you will also be able to learn not only the four basic mathematic functions, but you will also learn how to do square roots and cube roots too.
2-1.Learning How To Do The Abacus With Subtraction
Are you ready to take the next step?
Subtraction involves the student to think more about removing numbers.
Before doing that, it is recommended to remove numbers in whole numbers.
That way, it is easier to calculate, which increases the speed of calculation.
The subtraction also involves students moving the beads up and down.
If you need help understanding doing subtraction with mental calculation, Online Soroban offers free classes that may help you solve your questions! Besides learning the abacus rules for addition, Online Soroban also teaches everything you need to know about the four main functions of arithmetic.
Not only that, there are qualified teachers eagerly waiting to help you solve your math questions.
They are ready to help you twenty-four hours, all seven days of the week!
You can get in touch with any of the teachers on our website.
Under patient guidance and teaching, you can learn how to master multiplication and division within a short time.
3. Abacus learning benefit
As you can see, the effect you get depends on when you learn the abacus.
Here, we will explain the effects that can be obtained with the abacus.
Please read below for abacus early learning effects, which are being studied at elementary schools in various countries around the world.
3-1.Increase the concentration level
An abacus is a manual aid for calculating. The abacus itself doesn't calculate:
it's simply a device for helping a human being to calculate by remembering what has been counted and it is a quicker method to solve the problem.
Accuracy is essential in abacus counting. With the help of an abacus, simple arithmetical functions are easy to learn.
In addition to that, children in so far classroom can be as young as those who are just a preschooler solong they are able to sit independently and able to write numbers from 1-9.
They can equally benefit from this course. It will greatly help them to bring up their concentration level in their daily activities. Not only that, but it also helps to boosts better and faster calculation skills.
Increases endurance for stress and pressure too.
3-2.Improve memory capacity
The brain has two halves or hemispheres: right and left. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side.
In most people, the left hemisphere regulates language and speech, and the right hemisphere controls nonverbal spatial skills.
The abacus and its beads provide a visual representation for children to utilize when they are doing problems. This helps the student to develop a pictorial representation of the problem in the brain.
Through intensive training, it helps in elevating memory power.
3-3.Judgment ability
When children are calculating by using the abacus, their hands, eyes, and brain work together and the activities shown in their brains are memorization.
observation, judgment, and mastering.
Thus, it is important to ensure to keep the interest of kids intact in the training.
Though Listen-And-Calculate training and See-And-Calculate training, student's perceptibility, judgment, and inferring abilities will be enhanced.
3-4.Processing capacity
Abacus calculation skills training course helps to improve the information processing inside the brain by listening.
In the popular education system, our children gain knowledge in the classroom by initially listening to information, this process involves simultaneously activity.
Hence, learning about the abacus is useful to gather information and input it efficiently and quickly.
2-5. Perseverance
Hands-on daily practice is necessary for a child to complete the learning cycle - repetition in the form of daily practice reinforces what was being taught to a child,
As abacus mental arithmetic requires speed and accuracy, learning it over a long period of time can gradually develop learners' attention to detail,
diligence, and meticulousness. All there traits help cultivate children's sense of responsibility, perseverance as well as their inner drive to strive for efficiency.
Long term learning of abacus helps the brain to visualize in performing calculations which automatically activates the right part of the brain especially when we move our fingers over the beads and talk aloud while solving the problems.
When children use both hands to move abacus beads in arithmetic calculations, it stimulates cells in both the right and left sides of the brain.
This results in quick, Balanced whole brain development, leading to greater mental capacity. While the creative right side of the brain is being exercised,
the "logical" left side is being used to do mathematical calculations. This combination of creativity and logic helps your child strengthen the whole brain.
When it comes to learning mental calculation, there are many things a mathematician can make full use of.
Abacus can be learned in many places but all lessons follow a certain format.
For instance, solving maths is to be done in the method mentioned for easy calculation.
If you want to find out more abacus the rules for addition, join us today!

Now soroban (abacus ) are over 48 countries kids learning around the world. in this website we introduce soroban develop kids creativity and many benefit for your kids.Many world mental calculation world cup champion come from ISHIDO-SHIKI.
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