Blog / Parenting / Nov 2020 New: Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem With Just 3 Steps
Nov 2020 New: Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem With Just 3 Steps

22 Nov,2020

Nov 2020 New: Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem With Just 3 Steps

Nov 2020 New: Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem With Just 3 Steps
Understanding the meaning and significance of the abacus is beneficial to your child's health, life, and well being.

There are many activities that you can do at home or in school to improve your academic capability.

In this article, you can learn how skills can be learnt and can be used for building children's self esteem.

Parents can learn more about the types of indoor and outdoor activities available online for their children's self-esteem.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Different Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem

Different Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem

Children acquire self-confidence and self-esteem as a result of successful experiences based on proper training and knowledge delivery.

Knowledge is universal, which means it can be acquired from a number of sources at any instant.

Although how we chose to exercise that knowledge is highly influential. In simpler words, self-esteem is the ability to believe and value personal ideas and thoughts.

We are a biological machine that learns from victories as well as defeats.

The guidance and training a child receives will eventually become their tools that will be used to achieve their goals and ambitions in life.

There are several activities through which young children learn social behavior, personality development, soft skills, and communication.

These activities can be grouped into either outdoor or indoor activities.

In this article, we will discuss some of these activities and how they can help young children take their first steps towards education.

We would be focusing mainly on children below 10 years of age because this is the time when they need maximum intervention from their parents or guardians.


1-1.Understanding How Activities Can Be Used for Building Children's Self Esteem

Understanding How Activities Can Be Used for Building Children's Self Esteem
Outdoor activities mainly focus on team building, social training, personality development, and physical skills.

Engaging in outdoor activities allows students to experience the world as we know outside our homes.

Some games and outdoor activities that are very common amongst people are listed below: Scavenger Hunt: Divide into teams of two or more.

Create an objective list that needs to be completed by all the teams.

Try making the tasks as funny as possible for maximum fun, for example, take a lap around the block or click a selfie with a stranger. The Egg drop: Split into teams of two or more.

Give 15-30 minutes to the teams to build an apparatus or contraption that will keep the egg from breaking when dropped from a height.

Tree planting: This activity will not only educate children about the importance of nature but also teach them about teamwork and its benefits.

Many of these activities are created in order to spark individual innovation, creativity, confidence, and personality development. People tend to learn quicker when they are part of the experience and the lesson itself.

It also helps young children get some time off digital devices, which allows them to reset their minds and get some physical exercise.

All sports are great examples of outdoor activities too.


1-2.Outdoor Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem

Outdoor Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem
Indoor activities have become much popular since the onset of computers, gaming consoles, and the internet.

Although just as equally important as outdoor activities, we must weigh and choose our options carefully.

Such activities and games are usually crafted to exercise mental abilities like team building, memory, response time, reasoning, and critical decision making.

Some of the well-known indoor activities/games are listed as follows: Word train: In this game, people can split into individual teams.

The round starts with one person saying any random word.

The objective of the game is to say a word starting with the last alphabet of the word that was just chosen by a player before you.

The challenge can be increased by time people.

Talking in circles: The group must stand along a string to form a circle.

The task in this game is to create different shapes like square, rectangle, hexagon within a time limit. Three truths and a lie: This game is very interesting.

People are asked to sit in a circle and with each person taking turns, they must tell 3 truths and a lie. Other players are expected to guess the lie.

Chess: This is a well-known game that will strategically test your memory, planning, and reasoning abilities.

Mental math/Abacus: Games designed around abacus are very interesting and educational.

Students develop several vital skills while learning how to do the math.


1-3. Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem - the Abacus Edition

Activities for Building Children's Self Esteem - the Abacus Edition
Abacus is one of the most recommend tools to either learn or teach from.

Mainly because of the flexible nature of the abacus theory, it has been found that nearly every student who learned abacus theory benefited from it one way or the other.

Games and activities based around abacus are very popular since it offers a plausible way to learn and have a ton of fun while doing so.

Many online math schools and others have decided to include abacus as part of their teaching program since it attracts thousands of students every year.

Learning mathematics with the help of an abacus increases brain activity by a large margin as students learn how to perform calculations independently.

Having the ability to carry out complex calculations mentally, students feel more confident towards learning and testing.

While students develop skills to tackle math problems and other subjects, they are reducing the overall stress from studies and homework as a result.

Real-life examples show that children's IQ’s are boosted within a few weeks of training in abacus.

It does lead to quite a bit of admiration for the people who invented abacus after seeing the enormous benefits we still get from it.


Children when exposed to an open environment of learning will easily show their interests, strengths, weaknesses, and other aspects important for analysis from a teacher’s point of view.

It is essential to understand that we are all born different under different conditions and only a balanced form of training will truly help us.

Making indoor and outdoor activities a part of young children’s timetable is very important from the perspective of their physical, mental, and social growth.

It is very easy to incorporate these helpful activities in our life since most of them can get done within 30 minutes.

Teachers and parents looking to make these activities a part of their lives are simply a google search away.

Most of them are pretty easy to remember and can be shared with others.



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