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Getting Your Child to Concentrate for 2 Hours or More: December 2020 New

14 Dec,2020

Getting Your Child to Concentrate for 2 Hours or More: December 2020 New

Getting Your Child to Concentrate for 2 Hours or More: December 2020 New
Being able to concentrate for long hours may seem like a breeze to some, but it may seem like a chore to some students too.
This article explains the importance of focus and how parents can help their children concentrate.

Teachers can also use the abacus to help their students concentrate.

I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. Concentrate for Children's Benefits

Concentrate for Children's Benefits

To be able to concentrate is a skill that needs to be worked upon to improve its capability.

Training the brain to focus for longer periods of time takes practice and rigid efforts.

Monks and religious shamans around the world have been known for their concentration and focus power by means of long meditation sessions.

Unlike physical abilities, our ability to concentrate has little to do with genetics.

We need to put in a huge amount of conscious efforts from a young age to enhance and increase the duration of our concentration.

It is always advisable to start working on mental qualities like memory and concentration at an early age.

This allows our brain to grow in a step by step manner maintaining the integrity of the structure.

With that said, it is never too late to work on your concentration skills. Meditation is one of the widely practised exercises that allow us to improve our focus and mental peace.

When it comes to young children, it could be challenging to get them to sit in one place for longer periods of time and meditate, therefore experts have come up with innovative ideas that can help your young ones to improve their mental abilities.

These practices can range from learning programmes to games and activities that boost our knowledge and concentration power.

This article shares a helpful insight into the world of learning and knowledge, with a special take on improving your concentration skills.


1-1.What Is Concentration and It’s Significance for Children's Growth

What Is Concentration and It’s Significance for Children's Growth
With respect to young students, the period of time they are able to focus on a task will decide how effectively they are engaging and learning. Students who are able to concentrate can have a massive turn out with respect to productivity and efficiency.

Children will need ample mental capability to focus on lessons in schools and handle other tasks in life in order for them to grow in a sustainable way.

Longer periods of focus will allow for maximum output out of the situation, whether it is school, on the playground or in personal life.

A good turnout in academics can boost the self-esteem of a child and encourage them to step up their efforts.

While it is beneficial to know the upside of improving your concentration power, we must also be aware of the diverse side effects of not working on such mental abilities.

A failure to properly focus in school, social activities or other tasks can result in severe demotivation of a child.

Being unable to focus for longer periods of time can hamper the learning abilities of young children especially.

They can easily lose interest in studying, chores or other social activities which can lead to more set back.

It is highly advisable for parents to look out for training programmes that can enhance the focusing power and learning abilities of their child at an early age.


1-2.Concentration Practices for Growing Students

Concentration Practices for Growing Students
Working on your mental capacity and ability to concentrate may have a lot to do with your physical abilities than one can easily guess.

A big part of fostering our mental health is related to our physical body and habits.

Nutrition, exercise, sleep cycle and other recreational activities play a major role in supporting mental health.

There are several practices that allow us to work on our focus power, meditation is one of the most common of them.

There are many kinds of mediation which use different techniques to improve your mental health.

Besides that, there are more modern approaches to work on your mental skills, games being one of the most widely suggested.

Don’t get baffled by the idea of learning with games, but it has been backed by science and renowned experts around the world.

Several video games are specifically designed to cater to the needs of students looking to increase their focus power and memory.

Then we have other activities, indoor and outdoor, that can encourage and boost learning by the help of social interactions.


1-3. How Can the Abacus Be Used to Improve Concentration for Better Grades?

How Can the Abacus Be Used to Improve Concentration for Better Grades?
It is worth shedding some light over one of the most widely adopted techniques that can improve concentration and mental health of your child, which is the abacus.

Weak concentration can be a burden for life; however, with transparent learning techniques like an abacus, it is possible to overcome these hurdles easily.

Working on an abacus allows students to work on their abilities like concentration, visual memory, arithmetic skills, retention and recall, self-confidence .etc.

A combination of cutting edge technology and fun generates interest in young children to learn using the abacus.

Practising maths problems using an abacus induces high mental activity since children are making calculations in their mind and processing information in a very subtle manner.

As children spend more time with an abacus, they are eventually developing muscle memory for longer periods of concentration and mental activity.

Surveys conducted by educators around the world have concluded that students who were practising mental math using abacus showed signs of increased mental activity, concentration, social interaction, confidence and performance.


Getting your children to accomplish a difficult task can be tricky for both the child and the parents, especially in this day and age of modern culture.

However, with effective management and constructive communication, any task can be easily conquered.

A heightened ability to concentrate will assist your child for life and aid them in their ventures.

Online schools have taken commendable efforts to provide us with helpful learning modules, games, ideas and information to help our kids learn at home.

Most of the techniques that we discussed above including abacus can be acquired on the internet via online schools, video lessons and other portals.

It is wise to make sure your children are receiving up to date education, health care and nutrition.

This will make sure they are sufficiently supplemented to take on challenges in school, social life and later on in their professional career.



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