Blog / Monologue / Secret Of Using Food to Boost Child Growth: November 2020 New Issue
Secret Of Using Food to Boost Child Growth: November 2020 New Issue

11 Nov,2020

Secret Of Using Food to Boost Child Growth: November 2020 New Issue

Secret Of Using Food to Boost Child Growth: November 2020 New Issue
Food that is rich in essential nutrients will allow us to be energetic and positive while on the other hand if our diet is not balanced, we become prone to deficiencies which lead to hazardous conditions.

This is why parents should use food to boost their child's growth.


I'm the author of this article and I'm a qualified abacus teacher, answering questions from around the world online abacus and various questions from online-soroban.com students.

Table of contents

1. What Are the Ways Can Parents Use Food to Boost Child Growth?

What Are the Ways Can Parents Use Food to Boost Child Growth?

Nutrition is a principle contributor to the supplements that humans need in order to survive and thrive.

Richer the diet is in various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, better are the chances for an individual to be mentally and physically healthy.

Child nutrition is even more important since children are in the prime stages of growth and development.

Experts in human biology have found out how the different nutrients present in our food impact different regions of our body.

It is essential for us to understand the basic biology of human body and how to take care of it.

We must be aware of the fact that our diet directly affects our physical and mental activity.

Depending on our lifestyle we must be able to pick out a diet that supplements us in an overall manner.

The fundamental reason we consume food is to get energy, develop our body muscles and build up immunity against diseases.

Dieticians and doctors advice that we should ideally go for a balanced diet, in other words excess of something could be disastrous as well.

Getting small children onto healthy diets could be a challenge for parents, although they must understand that little bit of struggle in the beginning will help them in the long run.


1-1.Can I Use Food to Influence and Boost My Child’s Growth?

Can I Use Food to Influence and Boost My Child’s Growth?
The biology of small children differs from adults by quite a bit.

Children are prone to faster growth of muscles, bones and brain cells when compared to adults.

This requires children to rely on a healthy diet that could yield the required amount of energy and immunity build up.

Proteins are required for muscle development, which will aid in the physical growth of your child.

Vitamins and minerals are required in order to build up the defence system of the body and also help the central nervous system.

Energy is required to carry out all these activities, thus carbohydrates form one of the most essential part of our diet.

In addition to this we have also come to know of food items that have multiple benefits for the human body, for example almonds are known to lower the cholesterol of the body, provide us with Vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, which is very good for growth of brain muscles and nerve cells.

Lack or deficiency of any of the vital nutrients may result in adverse long term effects. The initial growth of a child contributes towards the foundation of their adult stage.

A carefully planned healthy diet will make sure your children are ready to face any challenge, be it mental, physical or in the form of harmful viruses or bacteria.


1-2.The Perfect Academic Diet and Food to Boost Child Growth

The Perfect Academic Diet and Food to Boost Child Growth
When creating a healthy diet plan for your young child, we must understand that it works on pretty much the same principle as adults.

To make sure our children are mentally and physically equipped to face the learning curve of their life, we have to carefully underline their needs and rationally respond them.

Below are listed some nutrient rich food categories: Vegetables: variety of leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, peas, beans.

Protein: soy products, seafood, nuts, lean meat, poultry like eggs Cereal: whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice Fruits: encourage them to eats all kinds of fruits, as they are rich in fibres, antioxidants and vitamins Dairy: low fat milk products, soy alternatives It is very important to keep a track of their sugar and trans-fat intake.

Parents and guardians must ensure that their young one’s diet is rich in all the essential nutrients and at the same time cutting any excess consumption.

Excess of sugar or trans-fat in the body may lead to weight gain which further paves the way for other illnesses.


1-3. Using Maths and Food to Boost Child Growth in School

Using Maths and Food to Boost Child Growth in School
In this article, we studied how diet forms a critical part of child development and is responsible for their mental and physical growth.

In the same sense, we realised how mathematics is able to prepare a child in various other fields as well.

Mathematics forms the basis for any analysis, argument, theory or discussion.

It is so deeply embedded in our daily lives, that without it we may not be able to function at all.

Imagine trying to go through a day in your life without using mathematics at all.

Strange isn’t it?

Parents and teachers, who understand this hidden value of mathematics, make sure they train their young ones accordingly at a young age.

This early training in mathematics helps the children in establishing a basic understanding of other subjects and concepts as well.

This is one of the reasons experts and abacus schools emphasise on mental math and abacus so much.

They understand and want to spread awareness about the benefits of mathematics that applies in other fields of life.

Having a healthy grip on mathematics increases the mental activity and decision making capability of the child, which indirectly assists them in other areas too.

We have yet to discover the full strength of mathematics, and it would be helpful to the cause if we spread more awareness about mathematics and abacus.


One of Isaac Newton’s famous laws says that, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

When we apply that law to human biology, we can begin to understand how our diet affects us.

As we study further we come to realise that our diet is directly related to the way we function, perform and feel in general.

One may become vulnerable to diseases due to weaker immunity, suffer due to lack of energy or lose motivation due to hormonal disturbance in the body.

It goes to show how big of a role careful diet planning plays in our life.

As a society we must realise this and make sure we do our duty in creating a safer future for the planet by spreading awareness and helping people that are underprivileged.



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